Wednesday, February 11, 2009

May 8th, 2000

Day Off

Left Delaware and drove south through Maryland and around D.C. We hung out in some shitty mall in Springfield Virginia, then decided to find a beach somewhere.

We ended up in North Beach Maryland, where we saw tough ass blue collar dudes fishing off the pier. We swam for a bit, but not too long before we were ready to split and find a motel. Also, not too long before some stupid shit went down.

Not sure how it all started cause Matias pantsed me in front of some kids, but apparently some bratty girl was making fun of us (steve note: cause of the pantsing?) and some fairy boy called the girl a bitch (steve note: i seem to remember Matias telling some girl to fuck off). So, at this point we were just hanging out by our van on a boardwalk, when these two degenerates -Nico and Tater- approached us, wanting to fight cause the brat girls' older sister was Tater's girlfriend. Evidently we were ratted out as the ones calling kids bitches.

They told us they were "kicking us off their pier". Cool, whatever, we were leaving anyways. Nico then goes up to Nick, who's just sitting on the boardwalk drinking a bottle of juice, and says "you like your drink huh?" and picks up Mike's empty bottle off the ground and tosses it acting like he just threw the bottle that Nick was holding. Retards. They then tried spitting on Matias and Mike, missing them both and Tater pushed Nick into the van so we could leave quicker.

By this point the rest of us were in the van and Tweedy was trying to start the sketchy thing. Two girls started talking with us. Nico and Tater interrupted our shmoozing with "I thought we told you to leave" and poked (yes poked) me and whoever else in the head. The porch of shirtless dudes with dogs across the street was intimidating enough for us to loudly chugg out of that white trash beach town with our ball sacs empty.

We were pissed. Tweedy was so pissed he forgot where we were and gave the finger to a car that cut us off (barely) that happened to be full of D.C. thugs who actually looked like murderers. We checked into the Virginia Lodge Motel in Alexandria Virginia and watched Friday the 13th Part III.

North Beach 15 minutes before meeting Nico and Tater


  1. glorious.

    how come you never told me any of these stories?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
